Not Everything is About Science

Friday, March 09, 2007

Quotes Season 1 (H-R)

Quotes- Season One

The Fire and the Wood
Grace: Wood doesn?t actually burn.
Joan: That's insane.
Grace: What burns is the gas released when the wood gets hot. Therefore, the reactions would have to be gasification, through oxidation reduction then combustion.
Luke: It is so hot you know that.

Touch Move
Grace: Do you smell that? It's like essence of pimp.

Bringeth it On
Luke: (about the science fair) I thought this thing was, like, months from now.
Friedman: Yeah, which is barely enough time to compile sufficient data. Unless, of course, you and Avril LeGrace over there want to try to get electricity from a potato.
Luke: You know, Grace Polk is a lot smarter than people think.

Grace: Hey geek!
Luke: Sorry. I can't be late for homeroom.
Grace: Ok, that's pathetic.

Luke: Hey! Um, I'm actually sort of surprised to see you here.
Grace: Maybe I'm an incurable optimist. Maybe I think there's still hope. Maybe I think someone won't show up.
Luke: Why do you care? I mean, empirically speaking, you wouldn't care unless you were emotionally like my sister.
Grace: First, I don't like anyone. In her better moments your sister didn't make me want to puke.

Luke: Would you do me the honors of applying with me as my partner for the 2004 Arcadia High science fair?
Adam: Yeah, sure.
Luke: Actually, I meant...
Grace: Did you say something?
Luke: Um, I was just wondering if you wanted to apply for the science fair together...with me, as uh, as my partner? If, if you're interested.
Grace: Isn't that thing months from now?
Luke: There's gonna be like, a total feeding frenzy.
Grace: I don't plan ahead. Ask when it's closer.
Luke: So you're saying it's possible?
Grace: In theory, if you stop acting like such a loser.
Luke: Okay. Awesome.

Death Be Not Whatever
Joan: The kid is obsessed with death. Isn't that strange?
Grace: No stranger than being obsessed with this stuff, like Atom Boy.
Luke: I heard that.

The Uncertainty Principle
Joan: You want to wake me when you get to the point?
Luke: Right, so I asked Grace to do this thing with me, and at the time she said yes...sort of, but...
Joan: Wait. Grace Polk said yes? To you?
Luke: It was somewhat contingent, but essentially, yeah.
Joan: Aww, she's so gonna get it.
Luke: But, see, I don't know if she remembers me asking, so do I have to do the full re-approach or...
Joan: Now, what is she gonna wear? Because they don't make gowns out of fatigues.
Luke: What are we talking about?
Joan: You asked Grace Polk to the semi-formal.
Luke: I asked her to be my partner for the science fair.
Joan: Wow. Science really is like sex to you isn't it?

Luke: Um, hey. So, uh, I was wondering if you were feeling about the, uh...
Grace: What is it with these sanctioned mating rituals that make everyone drool over each other like zombies?
Luke: Oh, no, that's actually not what I'm talking...ok. Um, remember when I asked you about the science fair?
Grace: I already said I'd do that. Why are you getting all sweaty?
Luke: You said to check back with you. I wasn't sure.
Grace: I don't see what the big deal is. It's not like I'm gonna be any help.
Luke: Don't worry about that. I have like, a file folder of ideas.
Grace: Whatever. As long as I don't have to wear a dress.
Luke: Yeah, me too. (pause) Not that I would ever...wear a dress, but...
Grace: It's okay, man.

Luke: Now, it's boldly retro, but I was thinking something involving Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
Grace: And that would be?
Luke: Glad you asked. Ok, you know that solar system model of an atom you learned in the fifth grade? You know, the one with the nucleus here and the little electrons rotating around it? Heisenberg says that's crap. There is no little nucleus, or at least there's no way to determine where a nucleus is with any certainty, and why, you ask?
Grace: Not really.

Grace: What's this?
Luke: That's a rail gun. You use electromagnetic currents to basically shoot a slug.
Grace: That sounds cool. Let's do that.

Friedman: So, guess we won't be seeing you at the dance tomorrow night?
Grace: Says who?
Friedman: It's an assumption based on the unlikely hypothesis of you wearing a dress.
Grace: Well guess what, Galileo? You're assumptions suck. And we'll see you at the dance. Now beat it before I give you a wedgie.

Luke: Are we going to the Crystal Ball?
Grace: Must've got caught up in the testosterone.

Luke: Um, did you wanna take off your coat?
Grace: Cool it, horndog. I'm not there yet.

Luke: Ah, Grace, good. As you can see, I've entered in four more equations for Heisenberg's gamma ray experiment.
Grace: Whoop-di-doodilly-doo.

Luke: Look, I've...I've really enjoyed our collaboration. I feel our intellects and approaches really complement each other, and I know, hoping you felt the same way.
Grace: Stop, stop. You're embarrassing me with your dirty talk.

Luke: So, Grace wants me to make this stupid rail gun that probably won't even work anyway, or I can salvage my dignity and work with Friedman.
Kevin: No contest.
Luke: Yes, of course. Yet, all I see is contest.
Kevin: Either get over your fear of women, or resign yourself to looking at boobs on the internet for the rest of your life.
Luke: Point of order, that's Friedman, not me. And not everything is about sex.
Kevin: Well not everything is about science.

Grace: Hey, geek.
Luke: Oh, Grace. Uh, I was afraid your father wouldn't give you the message.
Grace: Yeah. Thanks for leaving a message with my father, the rabbi, saying you want to spend the night with me building a gun?

Grace: So what you're telling me, dog, is there's no downside. Hmm?

Luke: Can't un-ring a bell, baby.

Requiem for a Third Grade Ashtray
Joan: Luke lent you his lab notebook?
Grace: I still have pull.

The Gift
Grace: You were getting all poetic there for a minute, Spock.
Luke: No, I know.
Grace: Actually, no.
Luke: You mean you haven't ever walked by something and you just had this feeling that someone you knew would absolutely love it?
Grace: Are you interested in somebody else already?
Luke: I'm just having a theoretical discussion.
Grace: So there is somebody. Guys should be sprayed down with cold water like, every hour.

(After Luke gives Grace the geode)
Grace: Okay, dude. This is just weird.
Luke: Yeah, I know. I don't care.

Grace: Why did you give me that rock?
Luke: It's a geode.
Grace: To me it's a rock. Why?
Luke: It was a gesture...of friendship. Possibly courtship.
Grace: Courtship? That went out with the corset or the walkman or something.
Luke: I don't follow trends.

Grace: I have a reputation. I've worked hard to build it. Do you know what my reputation is?
Luke: You hate me?
Grace: I'm anti.
Luke: Okay. Anti what?
Grace: What have you got?
Luke: So you're never gonna fall in love?
Grace: I'm never even gonna fall in like.

Luke: What do you care what people think? I mean, if you're anti. Shouldn't you like the idea of us, if you're so anti?
Grace: I'm not that anti.
Luke Oh, so you're moderately anti?

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